Friday, May 31, 2013

Professionalism of Physiotherapist to Compete in Globalization 2020

to Compete in Globalization 2020

The global trade will move round in 2020 called globalization. Globalization has main idea that no more obstacles in conducting international trade. On the one hand, liberalization of trade services promise many positive impacts, such as opening the market to sell goods and services overseas, increasing income, which ultimately contribute to increasing prosperity in developing countries. But, on the other hand, liberalization has the bad impact that should be concerned such as: the increasing spread of disease such as HIV / AIDS, H5N1, Ebola, and cultural mixing and more, so that it causes health problems from one country to another.
Indonesia is a country that is quite attractive by foreign countries. First, because it has a large potential market associated with a large number of people. Second, the current condition of Indonesian economic growth is quite promising. Large potential market is a not surprising if many doctors or other foreign health interest to work in Indonesia. This seems frightening health profession, because of fear to compete, as we know the quality of human health is low and our knowledge of technology is also limited.
Liberalization of health is a scourge for us. We need to improve self-concentration of the quality or professionalism. So whatever happens in the future, a doctor and other paramedics such as physiotherapy do not need to fear in their own country and abroad. If Indonesia can improve the amount, type, and quality of paramedics it will decrease the foreign paramedics in Indonesia, because Indonesia has a quota of the doctor and the cost is relatively cheap. Analyzed from other perspective, Indonesian paramedics must compete with foreign paramedics due to their services do not match the health of the Indonesian as a result of the education system and also the differences of social-cultural background.
Physiotherapy is a health profession should prepare itself for globalization era in 2010. The efforts to improve the competitiveness Indonesian physiotherapy are:
First, increasing the mount, type and quality of professional physiotherapy in Indonesia with these curriculums, teaching and examination system, and programming the health education comprehensively so that the Indonesian paramedics have international standards, and ready to compete with foreign paramedics, or moving to overseas because it has international standards.

Standard physiotherapy services among them such as:
1. Standard 1: The philosophy and objective
Philosophy physiotherapy argues that movement health and function of human life for healthy and prosperous are as human rights. Physiotherapy is a health services recommended to the individual or group for developing, maintaining and restoring movement and function of the body throughout life cycle by using the manual handling, movement, equipment (physical, mechanical and electro-therapeutic), special training and communication.
Physiotherapy services as health efforts given the legal authority, aims to improve human health in their entirety.
Physiotherapy services are provided physiotherapist either independently or in cooperation with team.
  1. There is a physiotherapy service on the philosophy and the objectives developed in the direction of health services are professional and specialization.
  2. There is a complete physiotherapy services to develop, maintain and restore movement and function of the body throughout the life cycle, maintain and improve the quality of life with the integrated approach to health, disease prevention, healing and health recovery independently.

2. Standard 2: Administration and Management
Administration and management are carried out against the human resources, patient / clients, facilities, equipment, organization and rule.
  1. There is physiotherapy service organization and a written description of duties on all physiotherapists in accordance with the classification.
  2. There are planning, and evaluation of physiotherapy services.
  3. There is a physiotherapy service policies aimed to the patients / clients as individuals and groups according physiotherapy that includes input, process and output.
  4. Physiotherapy services to patients / clients are conducted in accordance with the process physiotherapy that includes assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention, evaluation and documentation of physiotherapy.

3. Standard 3: Leaders and implementing
Physiotherapy services was conducted and led by physiotherapist set by leaders of Hospital

  1. There is the head of physiotherapy services which responsible to the immediate superior of the hospital.
  2. There is a physiotherapist.
  3. Each physiotherapist working in the hospital must have a permit and comply with the standard practice of physiotherapy.

4. Standard 4: Facilities and equipment
Facilities and equipment available in the physiotherapy service are support for carried out of physiotherapy services in the hospital.
  1. There are the facilities and equipment of the appropriate standard physiotherapy equipment in the physiotherapy service.
  2. There is the equipment to support the physiotherapy services.

5. Standard 5: Policies and procedures
Ensuring physiotherapy services is required an optimal policy, regulations, and written procedures. Policies and procedures should be orientation to the regulations, the necessary of patients / clients, the development of science and technology.
  1. There are policies and physiotherapy service procedures as the basis of unit service
  2. There is a standard procedure in the physiotherapy service.
  3. There is interaction between physiotherapist with the patient / client, colleague, and other paramedics.

6. Standard 6: Development of paramedics and education
Quality improvement and development of physiotherapy services are implemented by including or training conducting, research and education
  1. There is a program of training and education to improve the competency of physiotherapist so that they can improve the quality of physiotherapy services.
  2. There is a program of written research about physiotherapy.
  3. There is a written program on the development of each physiotherapist so that they can improve their prosperity.
  4. There is a written mechanism for assessing the performance of physiotherapist.
  5. There is written programs of orientation for implementing physiotherapist.

7. Standard 7: Services evaluation and quality development
Evaluation program and development include the implementation of physiotherapy services and customer satisfaction. The result of evaluation is feedback in quality improvement efforts.
  1. There is evaluation program and written quality improvement about the implementation of physiotherapy.
  2. There is evaluation program and written quality improvement of customer satisfaction.
Second, set a policy that requires that the foreign paramedics follow the examination appropriate standards the profession if they will work in Indonesia and the reciprocal regulation about foreign physiotherapist can work in Indonesia which their country allowed Indonesian physiotherapist working in their country.

Third, Indonesia needs accreditation institutions to maintain professionalism of physiotherapist working in Indonesia. "Professional" has a meaning that refers to the designation of the person who holds a professional designation, and about someone's performance in achieving their profession. Performance and "professional" have got the recognition, both formally and informally. Formal recognition is given by institution that has the authority, the government or professional organizations. Beside that, the informal recognition is given by the public and the patient. An example for that, "professional physiotherapist" is physiotherapists who have received formal recognition under the applicable provisions, related with his background or formal education. This recognition is expressed in the form of a decree, diploma, of teaching license, certificate, and either the qualifications or competence. “Professional physiotherapist” can also refer to how the recognition of the performance competence of a physiotherapist in implementing his duties. Thus, a "professional'' is based on the formal recognition of qualifications and performance competency of certain position or job.

"Professionalism" is a designation that refers to mental attitude in the form of commitment from the members of a profession to establish and constantly improve the quality professional. Physiotherapist having a high professionalism will be reflected in mental and his commitments to the embodiment and professional quality improvement through various methods and strategies. He will always develop themselves in accordance with the demands of the age so that the existence is always to provide professional meanings.
A professional is someone who offers a service or services in accordance with protocols and regulations in its field and receives the salary. That person is also a member of an entity or organization that was established appropriates the law in a country or region. However, often someone who is an expert in a field also called the "professional" in his field, although he is not a member of an entity valid established. For example, in the sport there is a professional sport which is the inverse of the amateur sportsman who is not participating in a tournament / competition for the money.

Meanwhile, according to Herdin Rusli the characteristics of a professional of them such as:
  1. Feeling pride of the work and show personal commitment of quality.
  2. Have a great responsibility, so that it can anticipate and initiative.
  3. Want to finish the job thoroughly and get involved in a variety of tasks beyond the role assigned.
  4. Have the desire to learning to improve competence and increase the ability to serve.
  5. Listen to the needs of customers and a role in a team.
  6. Trustworthy, honest and loyal.
  7. Open to constructive criticism and want to improve and refine him.
  8. Professionalism is more than simply the stiff-specific tips.

In addition, communication also has an important role, communication is the process of dialogue done continuously for at least done by two people, the mutual trade marks to get an understanding together. Communication is not only done with verbal communication, but the communication can also done by body movements, show a certain behavior, such as a smile, shake the head, shrug, it is called non-verbal communication.
1. Elements of communication
Communication occurs when there is in it the element of communication, if it is no one element of the communication, so that communication will not occur.
According to Laswell components of communication are:
  1. Sender or communicator is a party to send a message to others.
  2. Communicate or recipient is the party who receives messages from other parties.
  3. Message is the content or purpose that will be delivered by one party to another party.
  4. Channel is a media to deliver message for the communicant in inter-personal communication, channel can be a stream of air vibration tone / voice.
  5. Context or background is a matter underlying communication.
  6. Feedback is the response from the receipt of a message about the content.

2. Principles of communication
Communication required principle for reference, such as:
  1. Communication is a symbolic process which is dynamic, circular and unfinished at a point, but continued development.
  2. Each behavior has the potential of communication. Each person is not free appreciating, but it is appreciated by another person. Body movement, facial expression (non-verbal communication) someone can be appreciated by other people.
  3. Communication has dimensions of the content of and relationships. Every communication message has contents dimensions in which we can predict the dimensional relationship between the parties of communication
  4. Communication takes place in various intentional levels. Every act of communication can be going from planned intentional level actions until the communication is intentionally.
  5. Communication occurs in the context of space and time. Sent communication message is appropriated with the place, objectives and the time for those communications.
  6. Communication involves the prediction of communication participants. Just imagine if someone communicate outside the norm in society
  7. Communication is systemic. Communication is influenced by environment and family environment he was socializing.
  8. The similar background influences the effectiveness of communication.
  9. Communication is inconsequential. Involving the response or responses as evidence that the message sent is received and understood.
  10. Communication is process, dynamic and transactional. There is a process of give and receive information between the parties of communication.
  11. Communication is irreversible. Persons who communicate can not control the effects caused by sent messages.
  12. Communication is not the only way to resolve the various problems.

In addition, we also need to know how to communicate effectively because the communication is important assets for physiotherapy in the health service to do its duty to inform or anamnesis do something very important in dealing with the effective stake holder. Effective communication include expression below:

1. Eye contact
This is one way to create a good impression on the opponents to speak. Try to maintain eye contact throughout the conversation, in order your opponents do not feel ignored.

2. Face Expression
Facial expressions reveal the thoughts of the current drift away on someone. So when you communicate, show the expression that you are interested in speech material.
3. Body postures
Everybody gestures while speaking should be coordinated with the power of convincing you.
4. Communication Law
In communication, legal communication is used to restrict communication between the patient and physiotherapist. It means that the restrictions between communication in the anamnesis and during the legal therapy.
Communication Laws are:

Law 1
Our respect must understand about the communication law, where communication law will limit how to communicate between patients and physiotherapist. It means that the restrictions between communication in the anamnesis and during the legal therapy.
The first law in developing effective communication is the attitude that respects each individual targeted message we sent. Respect and mutual respect is the first law in our communication with others. People want to be respected and considered principally. If we even have to criticize or rebuke someone, do it with full respect for self and pride of someone else. If we build communication with the feeling and attitude of respect and mutual respect, then we can build a partnership resulted in a synergy that will improve the effectiveness of our performance both as individuals and as a whole as a team.

Law 2: empathy
Our empathy is the ability to place ourselves in situations or conditions faced by other people. One of the main prerequisites in attitude have empathy is the ability to listen to us or understand first before heard or understood by other people. In particular, the ability to put Covey listen as one of the 7 habits of highly effective people, to understand the habits first, to understand new (First seek to Understand - understand then be understood to build the skills of empathetic listening that inspires openness and trust) . This is called emphatic communication. By understanding and listening to other people first, we can build trust and openness that we need to build in cooperation or synergy with the others. Empathy will enables us to deliver the message with the ways and attitudes that will facilitate the receiver to receive it.

Law 3: Audible
Meaning of audible can be heard or understood correctly. If empathy means we must listen first and be able to receive feedback well, the audible message means that message we sent can be received by the recipient. This law says that the message must be delivered through the media or delivery channels such to be well received by the recipient of the message. This law refers to our ability to use various media and equipment, or audio visual aids that will help us in order message can be received well. Personal communication in this case means that the message was delivered in a manner or attitude that can be received by the receiver.

Law 4: clarity
Apart from that the message must be understood well, the law related to the fourth is the clarity of the message itself so it does not cause multiple or different interpretations of the different. Clarity can also mean that openness and transparency. In communicating we need to develop open attitude (there is no covered or hidden), so that may cause confidence (trust) of the message recipient or a member of our team. Without openness, it will appear mutually suspicious attitude and in turn will reduce the spirit and enthusiasm of our group or team.

Law 5: Humble
The fifth law of effective communication is a humble attitude. This attitude is the element associated with the first law to build a sense of respect for others, usually based on humble attitude that we have. In edition Mandiri 32nd , Lowest attitude are: the attitude of (in marketing Customer First Attitude), the appreciate attitude, want to hear and accept criticism, and not arrogant disdain of others, acknowledge the error , kindly pardon, gentle and full of self-control, and the interest of the greater.

If our built communication is based on five basic law of effective communication, so we can be a powerful communicator which in turn can build network relationships with other people who are full of appreciation (respect), because this is who can build long-term relationship mutual benefit and reinforce each other.

When the Indonesian government does not immediately improve the education system and health policy, so that Indonesia paramedics in the globalization era will be presented in two options: be the host country itself, or be shoved. Or so in the host country and their own guests honored abroad.

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