HE KNUD JANSEN LECTURE COPENHAGEN 1986 Innovation in prosthetics and orthotics J. FOORT Medical Engineering Resource Unit, University of British ColumbiaAll correspondence to be addressed to Mr. J. Foort, Medical Engineering Resource Unit, University of BritishColumbia, Shaughnessy Hospital, 4500 Oak Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6H 3N1, Canada.IntroductionAs I look back over my 35 years in the field of prosthetics and orthotics research, andconsider those years from the point of view of the innovations I have witnessed andparticipated in, certain insights and influences stand out. They cluster around specific peopleand projects. Two years in Toronto with Fred Hampton and Colin McLaurin led to theestablishment of the Canadian Plastic Syme's Prosthesis, the Canadian Hip DisarticulationProsthesis, plastic reinforcement of wooden prostheses and conception of the SACH Foot.The...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009

SCOLIOSISNam H. Tran, MDNovember 9, 1997Stanford Medical CenterI. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE:Spinal deformities afflicted early man as documented in cave drawings.“Skoliosis” is used by Hippocrates to denote any curvature of the spine. Many forms of treatment were attempted.Paul Aegina tried bandaging as a form of bracing in the 7th century.1914: first fusion performed by Russell Hibbs1946: Milwaukee brace was designed by Blount and Schmidt.II. DEFINTION:Scoliosis: any lateral curvature of the spine.Scoliosis can be further described as:Right or Left: sidedness defined by the side of convexity of the curve, ie, right scoliosis has the convex side toward the right.Cervical, cervicothoracic, thoracic, thoracolumbar, lumbar.Single vs Compound: single has one sided spinal deviation whereas compound has both right and left spinal deviations.Primary vs Secondary (compensatory): primary describes the initial curve that can later be compensated for by a curve in the other direction (secondary scoliosis).Major...
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Diagnosis/Definition Chronic repetitive aching type discomfort in the medial aspect of the foot while standing and walking. Decreased medial longitudinal arch height with medial talar head prominence. Asymptomatic flat feet do not require treatment. Initial Diagnosis and Management History and physical examination. Appropriate radiographic (weightbearing feet) and laboratory studies (rheumatology panel evaluation in patients with inflammatory, bilateral, and other joint presentations). Ongoing Management and Objectives Initial primary care treatment for foot pain should include a three-month trial period of the following: NSAIDs Adults - 200 to 400 milligrams (mg) every four to six hours as needed for up to 2 weeks. Example: Ibuprofen Take tablet or capsule forms of these medicines with a full glass (8 ounces) of water. Do not lie down for about 15 to 30 minutes after taking the medicine. This helps to prevent irritation that may lead to trouble in swallowing. To lessen...
CUSTOM FOOT ORTHOTICS – Frequently Asked Questions
What are Custom Foot Orthotics?Orthotics are custom molded devices that are worn inside your shoes to control abnormal foot function and/or accommodate painful areas of the foot. If they are properly designed for the foot, orthotics may compensate for impaired foot function by controlling abnormal motion across the joints of the foot. This may result in result in dramatic improvement of foot symptoms.How do Orthotics work?Orthotics work on the feet in the same manner as braces affect the teeth. They provide a consistent base which will help to bring foot muscles, ligaments and joints back into proper alignment. Orthotics will not change the underlying structure of the adult foot. If they are not worn, abnormal function will immediately return.What are the benefits of Custom Orthotics as compared to over-the- counter inserts?Orthotics are custom made for your feet and they should not be confused with over-the-counter generic arch supports that can be purchased at your local pharmacy....
ORTHOTICS TRAINING PROGRAM FOR THE REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS.Taylor, L.1 and Harding, K.2The Crippled Children’s Association of South Australia1,Majuro Hospital, The Republic of the Marshall Islands2Introduction.The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is located in the Central Pacific. It consists of 29 coral atolls and 5 low lying islands scattered over almost 2 million square kilometres of ocean. The population is approximately 60,000 people, with half living on the capital atoll, Majuro.The Majuro Hospital is the primary health care facilty in the RMI. Since early 2001, rehabilitation has experienced a significant period of advancement. Staffing numbers have increased to five, including an Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Prosthetic Technologist, Prosthetic Assistant and a Therapy Assistant.Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a huge challenge facing the health of the Marshallese people. It is thought that more than 50% of the population over fifty years of age has DM. In light...
Texas Board of Orthotics & Prosthetics
Introduction The Texas Legislature created the Texas Board of Orthotics & Prosthetics in 1997 to license and regulate orthotic and/or prosthetic practitioners, assistants, technicians, and students in Texas to protect the public and improve the standards of the profession. The board accomplishes these goals by setting and enforcing professional and ethical qualifications and standards for the professionals and facilities that provide this service. Board MembersDuring fiscal year 2003, the Texas Board of Orthotics & Prosthetics consisted of six members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. Three members were licensed under the Orthotics & Prosthetics Act, and three members represented the public. The Board membership consisted of one licensed orthotist who had practiced orthotics for the five years preceding the date of appointment; one licensed prosthetist who had practiced prosthetics for the five years preceding the date of appointment; one...
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